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Learn more about how ketamine therapy is delivering safe and effective results.

Onetime party drug hailed as miracle for treating severe depression

The Washington Post:
After a lifetime of profound depression, 25 years of therapy and cycling through 18 antidepressants and mood stabilizers, Hartman, then 46, had settled on a date and a plan to end it all. The clinical trial would be his last attempt at salvation. For 40 minutes, he sat in a hospital room as an IV drip delivered ketamine through his system. Several more hours passed before it occurred to him that all his thoughts of suicide had evaporated.

A Vaccine for Depression?

Ketamine's remarkable effect bolsters a new theory of mental illness. Depression is the most common mental illness in the United States, affecting 30 percent of Americans at some point in their lives.

Ketamine Shows Signs of Efficacy in Treating PTSD

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is highly prevalent in the United States military forces, with rates as high as 31% and 20% for Vietnam War and Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) veterans, respectively. An estimated 50% of patients diagnosed with PTSD also present with chronic pain.

Symptom modulation and tolerability of intravenous ketamine in treatment-resistant bipolar depression: A retrospective study

Highlights: Ketamine significantly improves depressive symptoms in bipolar patients, as assessed by the MADRS scale, indicating its potential efficacy. Over four weeks, ketamine reduces internal tension, sleep disturbances, and suicidal ideation in bipolar depression. Ketamine demonstrates a favourable safety and tolerability profile, even within complex polypharmacy regimens, suggesting its suitability.

How can low-dose ketamine, a ‘lifesaving’ drug for major depression, alleviate symptoms within hours? UB research reveals how

BUFFALO, N.Y. — University at Buffalo neuroscientists have identified the binding site of low-dose ketamine, providing critical insight into how the medication, often described as a wonder drug, alleviates symptoms of major depression in as little as a few hours with effects lasting for several days.

Suicidal ideation following ketamine prescription in patients with recurrent major depressive disorder: a nation-wide cohort study

Ketamine has gained attention for its effective treatment for patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and suicidal ideation; Despite numerous studies presenting the rapid efficacy, long-term benefit in real-world populations remains poorly characterized. - This study provides real-world evidence that ketamine has long-term benefits in mitigating suicidal ideation in patients with recurrent MDD.

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